09/2019 - 09/2020
During my second year at University I wanted to explore printmaking and the variety of printing processes which come under this term. Alongside this, I began to consider text and the titling of my work more than I had previously. Realising that any form of text, whether it was in my work or in the title of it, could add a whole other layer to my work. Play has always remained a definitive aspect central to my work, and is apparent in this explorative journey through printmaking. Most of these works have been made from following intuition, experimenting with form, colour and processes; creating works I was pleased with through simple composition and bold colour. In some of these works their production started with a consideration for language, playing around with words and paradox statements (statements which don’t quite make sense or contradict themselves), influenced what I ended up printing. Here I have used a variety of printing processes, predominately monoprint.